EP. 6 - - A Guided Meditation on Befriending the Moment

I’ve found the key is being present in whatever you’re doing. Otherwise we may just always be somewhere else, wanting something else. We may be having great sex and thinking about what we’re eating for dinner after. That’s an unhealthy habit to cultivate, one that zaps our zest and energy for life and living. I think aliveness doesn't start on the edge of a cliff or on some exciting adventure, and maybe it isn't always activity and action, but could be just as much found in the silence, the discomfort, and our boredom. The trick is actually being there for it. It’s this presence that can allow us to break free from the shackles of our own never-ending thoughts and rollercoaster of stories. 

A wandering mind, one over which we have little control, will probably not foster much happiness. Maybe this is why we learn mindfulness and meditation - so we can be good gardeners as Thich Nhat Hanh says. So we can develop the capacity to see which seeds we need to sow, water or shine light on. Stopping to learn how to cultivate what’s important and learning not to shine light on the things we don’t want to grow. Leaving the bad seeds of anger, fear, anxiety, craving, and cultivating only our good qualities.

An 11 Minute Guided Meditation to bring more joy to each moment….